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Senior Successes: Natalia Attends Princeton Creative Arts and Humanities Symposium

By: Adam Rozmus, Communications and Media Intern

On October 13 – 15, 2017, senior Natalia Arbelaez Solano participated in Princeton University’s Creative Arts and Humanities Symposium, an event which grants high school students the opportunity to see what it is like to study the creative arts and humanities at an Ivy League school.

Natalia described the symposium as a weekend event where students from the United States gather to explore the humanities and creative arts by taking workshops, precepts, and living with a Princeton student and previous symposium participant. Natalia’s college counselor, Assistant Director of College Guidance Ms. Kait Long, nominated her for the program.

In the program, Natalia was granted multiple opportunities to engage in conversations with fellow high school students and current Princeton students and faculty who shared her same interests and passions. “For me it was incredible to be surrounded by so many people who wanted to discuss many of the topics I am interested in. The high school students I met were so intelligent, interesting, and kind, and I learned greatly from them,” Natalia shared. Having discussions with Princeton professors in a classroom setting taught her to be critical, and when formulating an opinion about something, to think about it from every perspective.

While there wasn’t a specific moment which ignited her passion in the arts and humanities, Natalia recalled her parents putting a great emphasis on the arts during her childhood. They often took her to museums and exposed her to a wide variety of music. “They also read to me extensively and told me stories they knew by memory,” she reflected. “Because of this, reading and art have always been activities which I love to do and have always turned to for expression, relief, and inspiration.” Immigrating to America also opened her interest in art as it is generally understood and tells stories of cultures and people from around the world.

Sewickley Academy has played a major role in shaping Natalia as a person. “The teachers have inspired me every day to be my best self and to push myself beyond what I thought I could ever do. They did that by dedicating their time to me so that I could learn about leadership and courage, find my voice in writing, and grow to love subjects outside of my comfort zone, like chemistry, and have confidence in my abilities as a student,” she said. “All of the skills I have learned from them have been applicable to life in general and have made me a happier, more fulfilled person.” Additionally, the Academy has offered her incredible opportunities, such as the symposium and traveling to different countries and states to learn about the world.

Although she is unsure of what the future holds, she plans to apply to Princeton and is leaning towards studying the arts and humanities. “Essentially, my aspiration and dream is to find something that I am passionate about enough that I would love to do it for the rest of my life, and find a place where I can cultivate that passion.”

Congratulations, Natalia!
