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Pulitzer Prize-Winning Journalist Kicks Off 2015 - 2016 Sewickley Series

The 2015 - 2016 Sewickley Series kicked off on Monday, September 21, 2015 with Héctor Tobar, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and expert on Latin America.

Tobar was chosen to tell the riveting story of 33 trapped Chilean miners. Deep Down Dark details their horrific experiences within a rich political, economic, and cultural context.

Tobar shared with Middle and Senior School students and faculty his life story of being a first generation American, raised by immigrant parents, and the value they placed on literacy and education, which spurred his interest in writing.

He talked with the SA community about the importance of using written words and narratives as vehicles that have the power to transform and impact society. Tobar spoke from his personal experience and encouraged the audience to embrace failure in the writing process. He said in order to be a great writer, students can't be afraid to write their thoughts down, knowing it's only a draft, and knowing they'll go back to it and re-work it into something better. 

Tobar also gave us an inside scoop on the soon to be released movie The 33, based on his book Deep Down Dark. He told the audience that writing for film is very different than writing a book, explaining that you literally have to create the setting and background imagery and write down every word the actors are going to say.

During each assembly, students had the opportunity to ask Tobar questions ranging from, "Is everything in your book about the miners really true?" by a Middle Schooler, to questions about his writing techniques from students in the Senior School. 
