News Detail

Two Grade 5 Students Receive Community of Respect Award

During the last Lower School assembly of the school year, Head of Lower School Dr. Cricket Mikheev, with the help of last year's awardees Jaydon and Skylar, presented the Community of Respect Award to Grade 5 students Milagros and Luca.

The Community of Respect Award is given annually to the student or students who best exemplify Sewickley Academy’s Core Values of community, diversity, educational vigor, and character. “This year, the Grade 5 teachers and specialist teachers had an extremely tough time deciding who the recipients would be, as so many of our outstanding fifth graders demonstrate these values each and every day,” Dr. Mikheev explained. “While two students will be brought on stage this morning, all 37 should be recognized for their commitment to friendship and empathy.”

Milagros received the award due to her patience and self-determination, which shine through in her daily interactions. According to the Grade 5 teachers, she holds the highest expectations of herself, and strives to put forth her best foot in every friendship, assignment, and project. Her classmates rely on her to be warm and inclusive and she is known as a consistently positive leader for the grade as a whole and for being intrinsically motivated in her scholastic endeavors. She values empathy and understands that it is not just putting herself in her classmates’ shoes, but also showing humility while remaining proud of her own accomplishments.

Luca was chosen as the second recipient of the Community of Respect Award because he includes all, leads by example, and is a humble boy who does not seek recognition for doing what is right – he simply does it, and others take notice. Grade 5 teachers recognized that he could be seen working with, competing against, playing with, or having an intellectual discussion with any myriad of student groups. Luca respects his classmates, his school, and himself each day. He is recognized by his P.E. teachers for managing to be competitive without losing sight of gamesmanship and what it means to be a good teammate. Luca is internally motivated for academic and personal growth.

Congratulations, Milagros and Luca!
