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~Grade 1 Parents

"With a young child in first grade, Virtual School was as much of an adjustment for me and my husband as it was for our son. To be honest, I struggled with the format at the start. That said, our teachers and administrators have blown me away. They have demonstrated an openness to feedback and a bias to action. I connected with my son’s homeroom teacher and the Head of Lower School during the first week of school to share my struggles and concerns. Both were very open to hearing my worries. 

Since then, the school has made many enhancements to its approach. Our son’s homeroom teacher is working double-time to make sure that she is enabling all students and their parents to be successful during this unique schooling situation. She is doing an amazing job and has taken my questions and concerns (and I know, those of other parents) seriously. She and other faculty members have been resilient and adaptive. The videos, worksheets, and Zoom meetings with teachers at the Academy have enabled us to stay on track with our son’s schooling in a way that works with our schedule and comfort level. While Virtual School is not ideal, his primary teacher has been taking time to meet with him one-on-one once a week and I feel like she has a great handle on his progress. She has also been providing me with constructive feedback on what we should work on or do differently.

Equally as importantly, parents have come together to support each other as well. We are so happy to be part of the Sewickley Academy community."
